Prinsip Sopan Santun Dalam Berkomunikasi Melalui Telepon

  1. Answer the calls promptly ( maximum 3 times ringing )
  2. Keep your telephone right at your ear ( minimum 5cm / the width PF 2 fingers from your mouthpiece )
  3. Identify clearly your firm, your departement, or your self and offering help
  4. Greet the caller pleasently
  5. Find out the caller's name-ask the caller to spell his / her name as letter as d / t, b / e are often difficult in understanding
  6. Speak loud and clear enough also avoid slang or technical terms the caller might not understand
  7. Use good grammars
  8. Be attentive ( full attention ) and do not interupt
  9. Smile all the time - your telephone correspondent will feel the smile
  10. Never keep the caller waiting
  11. For taking message, take the right form and make sure message are delivered
  12. Never answer : he is... / she is... / but Mr... / Mrs... etc
  13. Never forget to say thank you or good bye
  14. Give the opportunity to say good bye to the caller before hanging up.

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